Oct 10, 2017
Seagma is a light and powerful trenching ROV able to bury cables (power and V), O&G umbilicals and pipes. Its full instrumentation package allows also inspection and survey operations with a high level of performance. This trencher is customizable to meet the customer requirements and project.
Work capabilities
Operations: trenching (power and telecom cables, O&G umbilicals,pipes)
Power: 600Kw
Operating range: up to 1,000m
Trenching depth: up to 3m
Trenching speed: up 300 m/h
Product size: up to 350mm
Speed on tracks: 2,500 m/h
Typical characteristics
Dimensions: lenght 6,5m, breadth 4,5m, height 2m
Weight in air: 12.5 tons
Weight in water: adjustable with thruster 0 to 800kg
Structure: Tubular stainless steel
Piping and fittings: stainless steel
Power: 600 KW
Power supply: 1000 KVA, 380v, 50 hz
Instrumentation and tools
Camera: up to 6 with 2 P&T units
Lighting: 8 LED spot light
Instrumentation: Blueview sonar, 2 altimeter, compass, stress gauge...
Auto mode: auto heading, auto tracks
Positionning system: Sonardyne mini ranger 2
Cable tracker: TSS 440 and 350
Jetting tools: rear tools (LP and HP) front tool (LP)
Jetting pump: HP & LP (15 bars and 8 bars)
Optionnal survey instrumentation
Fiber optic compass: OCTANS
Profiler: dual head cross profiler seaking
Bathymetry: tritech
Shipboard support
Deployment: Crane or LARS 12 tons sea state 4
Clear Deck space: 300m2
Power Supply: 1000 KVA
Operating Team: 8 people
All characteristics are adjustable and we customize our products in order to meet our customer's needs.
Download our documentation:
Fiche SEAGMA-SIA.pdf
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